OK I have been a bit of a terrible blogger over the last few weeks, my 3 posts a week routine has gone severely off track. I am trying to post something at least once a week, but I have just gotten so side tracked with other projects and interests that there is really not much going on home wise around here at the moment. I feel like my inspiration and focus is just being dragged in 20 different directions and I'm not having time to follow through any of the projects that come into my head. This will improve soon hopefully as some projects come to an end and some things simmer down a little, it kind of has to otherwise I'll just run out of time to do everything.
The decluttering WILL be finished as soon as Tom takes the stuff to the charity shop/lets me have the car so I can just do it myself. hint hint hint. Then I can show you after pictures of the rooms that have really benefited and I can move on to other things, which I cannot do while I am knee deep iin boxes of crap waiting to go.
Any who I thought I'd share some of the things distracting me for now, this is how my
pinterest has looked recently (interspersed with the mandatory cute animals/baby animals/memes):
Wedding....Ah wedding. We have paid off the venue and are looking at caterers, so starting to think about styling as this is next. I have no idea. Literally no clue. So I am having anxiety dreams about dress shopping (like I leave it to the last week and have to buy an ugly dress that doesn't fit). I know what venue we liked and I know what food we like, but band or DJ? What dress? Bridesmaid dresses? Flowers? Buttonholes? Decorations? Readings? Guest List? Invites? The list grows and grows and I have no idea about most of it so I am just constantly looking for inspiration. Also trying to breathe and take it one thing at a time, not jumping ahead to worry about things that will make more sense later (e.g. the flowers will be easier to choose when I have the dress)

Fitness. I've been bouldering for 6 months now and am doing the course at our local climbing centre to learn to climb on the bigger walls, with ropes and harnesses etc. I've become fitness conscious, something which I have never been before! I'm going to try running again (my knee is better) and I've been thinking about other fitness or ways to improve my climbing. I go 3 times a week and that in itself is a time suck, add in the course this month and I feel like I spend a lot of time at the climbing centre. Not that I mind but it kind of means a lot less spare time.
NB this image is not me it is of course how I'll look in another 6 months. Minus the tan.
This one I love because it has happened to me, routes I couldn't do I now warm up on and it reminds me to push myself on harder routes...
Travel. Honeymoon and this year. And just generally. No secret that Tom and I love to travel, and our honeymoon was always going to be epic. It is so hard to decide though! We think we have settled on Hawaii but nothing set yet. Also we might be going on a trek or climb later this year that will take a lot of charity fundraising and training. I will share this once it is confirmed (cannot wait!) but this is also why I have been more fitness and training conscious recently. We will also be going on a bit of a climbing/walking holiday in the UK before to train, which hopefully will be good (weather dependent). So I have the travel daydream bug until at least one of these things gets booked. I am not a daydreamer I am a doer so this does not agree with me...I am itching to just get it all booked!

Those are the main things which are drawing my focus recently, you should see the state of the flat (and me) so I am trying to stay motivated and open to new things. This is a big 2 years coming up for us and most of the time I feel like I'm ready for it, other times I want to hide under my duvet. So I am also collecting lots of motivational images
And things to keep me amused and distracted from the fact that I have a LOT to do (mainly involving puppies, kittens or other cute things)
I laugh at this more than I should.
I need one of these bags at least once a day.
Generally life is pretty awesome at the moment, if a bit overwhelming, so I'm thankful and so excited for the 2 years to come! I hopefully will have loads of things to share with you guys along the way!
What are you guys up to? Any exciting plans for 2014 and beyond?