Our bedroom is the room most in need of some TLC, so I made some small changes in here recently to make it a bit more livable, we still have loads of stuff we want to do in here and
want to replace about 90% of the furniture (seriously Toms wardrobe is
going to collapse soon!)
It looked like this when we moved in
These are our old bedside tables which I just put in this corner when we moved in, I'm going to either spruce them up with a coat of paint or some spray paint, or get rid of them, depending on where the rest of the room goes. We can't use them next to the bed as it's placed in front of the fireplace with the wardrobes behind to make the most of the space in the room, and these are too big to fit next to it (Actually for bedside tables they're massive)
There is so much stuff under the bed as it's our only storage space for larger items
That box by the door is the last box to be unpacked after moving! It contained all my old Avon paperwork, most of which went in the bin as I don't do Avon any more.
After buying 10 plastic storage boxes from Argos (12.99 for 5 with lids) and 2 over door shoe hangers (6.99 each), I was able to reorganise some things and get it looking more like this.
I got my shoes off the floor and into the shoe hanger, and also reorganised the top of Toms wardrobe, swapping some things out of the ottoman in the hallway so it could be moved in here and the bedding taken down and stored in it.
Also it gets these frames off the floor, they're pictures from our first holiday together to the Dominican Republic
The Christmas decorations and lamps that were on the floor here are now under the bed and on top of Toms wardrobe. We do still have 2 armchairs in here in these pictures as I was waiting for Tom to take this back to his dads, we borrowed it while we didn't have a sofa (Thanks Mike!)
This armchair is ours and used to be in our living room but with the new sofa doesn't fit, so in these pictures it's in the bedroom, although it didn't stay here for long.
It also made a massive difference that Tom went and bought us a new paperwork file from Staples, as ours didn't survive the move so in the pictures above there is a massive pile of bills etc on the floor on top of the mangled paperwork box file!
It also meant we have one less thing being kept in the hallway after the ottoman was moved into the bedroom so that looks a bit clearer as well

So that's our small reorganisation just using what we had and some cheap storage solutions, the 2nd over door shoe holder was used elsewhere and those plastic storage boxes have definately been worth it as we've used them all over the house, and at 12.99 for 5 with lids they are the cheapest I've found. Ikea do have cheaper ones but we weren't planning an Ikea trip any time soon and by the time we would have paid for delivery (I don't have a car and even if I did I'm not going to drive all the way to our nearest one in Bristol or Birmingham just for some boxes) they actually got a bit more expensive. There are rumours that there's going to be an Ikea built in Gloucester (in the space opposite Asda by the train station), I was actually far too excited on hearing this, and if the rumours are true our house will be full of lovely Ikea things and I will have no money!