Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Not Buying a House?

Tom and I went out on Friday into Cheltenham for a few drinks to a few of our local bars, as we have been a lot recently we were talking weddings :)

One thing we did discuss was that if we're getting married soon (Thinking late next year or early 2015) it will mean not buying a house in the next few years. And we're fine with that.

I thought I'd be a bit more sad about this as although I wanted to get married one day I thought we would buy a house first. However, it doesn't really matter what order we do it in, we're still making progress getting married, and then will look at getting our own house after this.

I think the difference is that we're happy where we are. In our last places they were always temporary, somewhere we could leave without really having any second thoughts. Looking back now we weren't happy at all in some of them, and the others we never really loved. I love our little flat and the location, we are quite happy to carry on living the high life in Cheltenham for now because when we buy we will probably have to move back out to the suburbs (unless we win the lottery or get 2 to 3 big promotions between now and then) as we can't afford much more than a one bed flat in the town centre.

So tenant chic won't be turning into 'homeowner chic' for a while! The impact of planning/paying for a wedding might have some effect on the home projects I do, like we might not make many large purchases (although we don't often spend a lot anyway so there might be little change) and I might not have as much time for larger projects when the date for the wedding gets closer. Although there will likely be a lot of DIY wedding plans (thinking centrepieces, invites, decorations) so I will share those as we go, although I will try not to go on too much about weddings here as it's not the main focus of the blog.

We have plans though for when we buy, involving lots of built in storage, a climbing wall in the attic (for Tom) and a dog (for me). Got to get the priorities right...

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