Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Wedding Page

I added in another page to the blog for wedding updates and little bits of inspiration. You can click on it on the right, or add it to your bookmarks/reader list...

I know some people don't really want to see loads of wedding stuff on here (it's not the main focus of the blog) so just don't click through to that page if so, but some people are really interested and weddings are a popular topic on pinterest etc so I thought it might be good to share some of our journey.

Of course I'm not going to go into loads and loads of detail as it's a personal thing and I want some elements to remain private or a surprise until the day, but some general hints, tips and inspiration might be a fun addition to the main blog.

I'm hoping to get the first post up there soon, as we are going looking round venues in 2 weeks so will do a post on how we whittled it down to the few that we are going to go and see, then some posts on how we chose 'the one' once we find it. It probably won't be as regular posting as on here, as we have no firm plans yet and once we have a venue booked will be spending a while paying that off before we go onto the next item on the ever growing, terrifyingly long, expensive and as yet mostly undecided wedding to do list...

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