Friday, 27 September 2013

Friday Inspiration

Long work week this week, it's pretty quiet which is so unusual and was nice for about 10 minutes but now it's boring!

After the post on Monday I got a letter from N Power on Tuesday, saying thank you for contacting us about your energy account we will change the account into your name. Dated last what? Our account should've closed in January! Rang them up yesterday to be told they are still working out the bills, as the meter reading on 10th Nov last year was not believed to be correct...Wait WHAT no DECEMBER our account was opened I don't care about what happened in November because we Deep breaths don't shout. They had lost the meter reading again and had our account as opened from November last year...I lost it. I did apologise to the guy but I just cannot believe it. I've given the opening reading to them AGAIN (I kept it as we had never had the final bill) and the bloke I spoke to has raised an official complaint on my behalf. They drive me to like actual rage, why is is so hard to just send me a bill?!

Anyway, onto the nicer things...

This clear lucite trunk is a funky take on a traditional idea.
Could I just spend the weekend here?
Or in California in front of these gorgeous windows?


  1. ha ha, somehow I find that clear trunk disturbing, it's like a ghost or apparition

    1. Ha yes it's the metal hinges and handle just floating there that does it I think...

    2. Ha yes it's the metal hinges and handle just floating there that does it I think...
